EcoFest 2012
This project was a huge undertaking.
The task was to "simply" hold the largest event the Santos Manuel Student Union has ever had, and have it be about a topic that the organization had little to no experience in promoting or organizing...
That being said, I had a great time pushing myself to my limits single-handedly creating an entire brand around what would become the first annual EcoFest event in San Bernardino.
Some specific difficulties with the event included targeting an audience which was described to me only as "Everyone" as well as shooting for such large attendance numbers.
I had to create a brand that would be appealing across the board, be it to younger children, families, or the typical college student.
After much research and experimentation I came up with something a little grungy and earthy, a little hippy, a bit bright and colorful, and just a tad modern, with very positive reactions from everyone involved.
We even broke the record of most attendees at a single event in the organization's history!